Everything Ham Radio Podcast

Everything Ham Radio Podcast

ETH028 – Mobile Radios

July 26, 2016

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Everything Ham Radio Podcast! In this episode we are going to with Alan Applegate, K0BG about Mobile Radio Installations. Alan has been a ham since 1976(I believe he said) and has a major passion for operating mobile. His website is a massive repository of information on everything dealing with Mobile Operations, so head on over there and check it out!

Greenivative Magic GMAG 6 Give-a-way!

Gigaparts has graciously donated a GREENIVATIVE Magic GMAG 6 to be raffled off! I would like to say thank you to Gigaparts and especially Jeff Sinclar, KJ4YIO, for the donation for this raffle!

So How Do I Enter?

Entering the raffle is super easy! All you have to do is send me an email to k5clm at everythinghamradio.com. In the subject line put “Green Power”. This raffle is going to go for two episodes, so you will have two chances to enter. The deadline for the raffle will be August 5, 2016 at 11:59 PM Central Time. Each episode will have a different subject word, so you will have to listen to both to get the proper codes.

How it Works?

What I am going to do is just like I did our Packtenna giveaway a few episodes ago. I have a spreadsheet that I will add your name and email address to in the order that I receive them. Each entry will be given a number in the order that they were received. At the end of the raffle time period, I will use a random number generator to pick a number randomly between 1 and the total number of entries that I receive. The winner will be announced on episode number 30 and I will contact them via email.

Gigapart Discount

Are you looking to buy a new radio, or maybe a new laptop or tablet? Maybe you are just looking for some connectors or batteries. Whatever you are looking for, amateur radio gear, computer equipment, battery chargers, or whatever, check out Gigaparts.
As an added bonus just for yall, my faithful readers/listeners, Gigaparts has allowed me to share a $10 off coupon with you on any purchases over $150! All you have to do is enter the coupon code below at checked out to get the discount.
This coupon code is only good for a limited time(exp: 8/18/2016), so don’t waste any time. Head over toGigaparts.com right now and check them out, find something you want and buy it.

More Than Safe Blog

My wife has started her very own blog describing our journey through the foster care system and things that happen to us and how we dealt with the situation. Some things may just be foster care related but some of the stuff can be used as just general parenting. If you are a parent or are interested in learning a little bit about the foster care system, please check out her blog at MoreThanSafe.com. If you like what you see, subscribe to her email list to get notifications on when she puts up something new.

Supporting Everything Ham Radio

If you like what you have heard on my podcast or read on my blog and would like to know how you can give your support, check out the Support page! You can make a one time donation through Paypal, become a monthly contributor through Patreon or shop on Amazon through my affiliate link.

Amateur Radio Club Spotlight
Central Mississippi Amateur Radio Association

Website: http://www.cmsara.org/wp/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CMSARA/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CentralMSARA
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy_9Bhaqf2mzsx9LaSRjPZg/feed

If you would like to have your amateur radio club highlighted on my podcast, please send an email to k5clm@everythinghamradio.com. In that email please give me the name of your club,