Everyday Wonder

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Less shouting, more talking, about COVID-19 rules
Subscribe: Rules. Love 'em or hate 'em, these pandemic times sure are requiring lots of them. In this episode, we step out of the "Whose side of rules are you on?" shouting match that's gripping America right now. Instead, talk as two friends wh
Life in the uncertain woods of COVID-19
"Sometimes people leave you. Halfway through the wood." Stephen Sondheim wrote those words for the song "No One Is Alone", part of the musical "Into the Woods."* But he very much could have written them for these times. Because so many of us feel [...]
Five different decades, one pandemic
A thirty-, forty-,fifty-,sixty- and seventy-something walk into a virtual Zoom bar....and compare five decades of notes on what it is to live through these COVID-19 times. That's what happens on this episode of Everyday Wonder. It's an episode that began
NOLA professor finds hope in virtual classroom
Have you ever had a conversation go somewhere you didn't expect it to go? That's what happens on this episode as our guest, educator and young adult book author Kelley Crawford, steers us away from talking about the pitfalls of virtual learning in these [
Life in COVID-19 exile isn’t one size fits all
COVID-19 may be a global pandemic, but each of us are experiencing it in our own way. And that's ok. While social media and popular opinion may lead us to believe there is a right way and a wrong way to get through these [...]
Thinking differently about organizations in COVID-19 times
COVID-19 has given us a chance to rethink the role of organizations like governments (and toilet paper suppliers!) in our lives. But what if we go beyond our bureaucratic image of organizations and think about them as any type of gathering that fosters hu
A Virtual Stoop Night for These Times
Stoop nights are a thing in New Orleans. A chance to get together with good friends and total strangers on your front stoop and just talk (and drink and eat). You don't need a special reason to have a stoop night, just a desire [...]
Everyday Wonder in the Era of COVID-19
Dolly Parton once said, "We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails." Or at least we think she said it. But regardless of who said it, if you find yourself these days trying to adjust---and readjust--the sails of your life….. to [...]
Thanksgiving traditions: Pleasure or pressure?
Is Thanksgiving really a time for … thanksgiving? Or do the traditions of the holiday bring as much pressure as pleasure? Today, Everyday Wonder looks at the traditions of this holiday: how we celebrate, what we carry through the years with us, what we [.
The Everyday Wonder of Real Books
Among the many worlds that man did not receive as a gift from nature, but created out of his own mind, the world of books is the greatest. Herman Hesse said that and, here at Everyday Wonder, we couldn't agree more. Which is why [...]