EveryDay with Denise

EveryDay with Denise

Latest Episodes

Episode 4: A Trio of God’s Sovereignty
March 04, 2019

Today with have Shaunte, Rhonda, and Eileen here together share about how they have seen the sovereignty of God at work. We have been so honored to share this story of radical obedience and redemption with you!

Episode 3: Eileen Guidry
February 25, 2019

On today’s episode of EveryDay with Denise you will get to hear from our friend Eileen Guidry. Eileen’s obedience has been life-changing for so many! We are so excited to share this story with you! Kairos Prison Ministry Stand in the Gap The Plaid Pine...

Episode 2: Shaunte Gordon
February 25, 2019

Today on EveryDay with Denise you will hear from our friend Shaunte Gordon. God has given her a powerful story of rescue and restoration! We hope that you are encouraged and blessed by this episode! Stand in the Gap Stand in the Gap: Lunch and Learn Ka...

Episode 1: Rhonda Bear
February 25, 2019

On our first episode of EveryDay with Denise, you will get to hear Rhonda Bear’s story of redemption! If you were at the Christmas Gathering this year you heard a part of this awesome story, and we are excited to share more of Rhonda, Eileen,
