EveryDay with Denise

Latest Episodes
Episode 45: Denise Lopez
On todays episode Denise is back to talk about burnout to follow-up to last weeks episode! If you didnt listen to the previous episode on leadership, you will want to Continue reading Episode 45:
Episode 43: Dr. John Wheeler
On EveryDay with Denise, we have the privilege of learning from Dr. John Wheeler as he teaches us about the ministry of presence. We pray that as you listen you Continue reading Episode 43: Dr. John
Episode 42: Heather Parmley
Today we hear from Heather Parmley as she shares some of what God is doing in North Tulsa at McLain High School through a few moms act of obedience! We Continue reading Episode 42: Heather Parmley
Episode 41: Rachel Forrest
Today on EveryDay with Denise, Rachel Forrest is sharing all about how God rescued her from a broken family and gave her a story to tell! We hope that you Continue reading Episode 41: Rachel Forrest
Episode 40: Beth Turner
On todays episode of EveryDay with Denise we get to hear from Beth Turner as she shares about gathering people in community! As you listen, we pray that you are Continue reading Episode 40: Beth Tu
Episode 39: Stacey Martin
Today on EveryDay with Denise we have the privilege of hearing from Stacey Martin as she shares the story of finding her birth mother! We pray that you are encouraged Continue reading Episode 39: St
Episode 38: Jordan Cox
Today we kick off Season 3 of EveryDay with Denise with our friend Jordan Cox! Youre going to love hearing from her as she shares her story! Psalm 3:3-5Little Light Continue reading Episode 38: Jor
Episode 37: Amy + Shad Wilkerson
Today on EveryDay with Denise you get to hear from the Wilkerson Family! They are serving on the mission field in Africa. We hope you enjoy as they share about their call to missions and what life is like on the mission field!
Episode 36: Gary + Cheryl Kuney
Today on EveryDay with Denise, you have the joy of hearing from our friends Gary + Cheryl Kuney! You are going to love their story as they share about living Continue reading Episode 36: Gary + Cher
Episode 35: Kid Missionaries
Today on EveryDay with Denise, Denise shares about involving your kids in missions! We hope that you are encouraged to be on mission, and take your kids with you, wherever the Lord calls you! Hannah + Juanita Episode Filling the VoidI Beat The Odds – M...