The Everyday Marksman

Latest Episodes
2024 Retrospective & Review; Updates for 2025
Here at the end of the year, it's time to look back across 2024 and grade myself on how I've done (pretty mediocre, to be honest). I'm also setting the main targets for 2025, which ties back directly
State of Play: Political and Legal Trends to Watch For
A bit of an off-the-cuff musing about the current state of the second amendment legal world. I've been in this debate for a long time, and I think we've got a lot of momentum behind us- but I also thi
Pistols and Patriotism: Project Appleseed Pistol Clinic AAR
At the start of October, I went to a Project Appleseed Pistol Clinic to get a refresh on my pistol skills and see what the new program was all about. I came away both satisfied with my performance and
The Everyday Gunslinger: Starting the Path to Pistolero
I've got a bit of a confession to make, and it's embarrassing. I'm not all that great with pistols. I'm not a bad pistol shooter, per se. But on balance, my pistol shooting lags way behind my rifle sh
Four Years from Friday: Approaching Your Training Life in Seasons
Let's talk long term. Too many people think that success is just a few weeks or months away, when that is far from the truth. In reality, success is a culmination of long term effort often years in th
Thinking Beyond the Drill, or the “Teaching to the Test” Fallacy
I've got a little bit of a bone to pick with how a lot of the shooting culture talks about drills. Much like weight lifting and gym bro culture, it seems a lot of shooters are more interested in flexi
Starting From Scratch, a Beginner’s Guide to a Basic Armory
There's been a question floating around the web that I wanted to take a poke at. If you were advising someone on how to start their own "serious" arsenal, what would be your suggestions? In what prior
Prioritizing Your Marksmanship Training Zones
My recent post on establishing a fitness hierarchy made me realize that I need to do the same thing for marksmanship training. So here we are. Today I'm discussing my breakdown for prioritizing traini
Transformation Requires Sacrifice and Other Uncomfortable Facts
In the last episode, I mentioned something called the homeostasis problem. It's a way of viewing why big changes in life are so difficult to make. It was going to be a large aside in that article, so
The Martial Marksman Mindset: A Deeper Dive
Mindset is one of the core topics of The Everyday Marksman, and it's one of the four corners in our pyramid of performance, but I've never planted a flag in the ground about what exactly I mean by, "M