Everyday Eternal Podcast

Everyday Eternal Podcast

10-0 GG NO RE – Callum Takes Down The Challenge | EP.183

January 16, 2025

“New Year, New Me” Callum thought as he…takes down a Legacy Challenge with Painter. Okay, that one didn’t last long, but who can’t blame him? Cutting through the competition like a 10-0 knife through butter never felt this great. Check out what he has to say about his new list that is quite the deviation from what we used to rock in the archetype.

Also, Kai just returned from his honeymoon. Find out why he barely got to see his wife during it. Yes.

00:00:00 Watch Kai & Callum @ MTG Ones in France!

00:27:45 “I Hate The Fuckin’ Eagles!” – Kai’s Team Tournament

00:59:00 Callum’s New Painter List & Challenge 10-0 Run! 

01:12:00 State of the Format 






Thank you for tuning in,

Until next time!
