Everyday Eternal Podcast

Everyday Eternal Podcast

History Channel: The Next 7 Legacy Bans | EP.180

November 28, 2024

One of our all-time most beloved episodes was a review of the origins of the Legacy format and the first seven bans required to keep it stable (and Survival of the Fittest).

Today we continue our History Channel…series? I don’t make the rules, so I assume two episodes on the same topic almost half a decade apart constitute a series. Join us as we look back at how Wizards of the Coast’s handling of the format evolved, as we share their reasonings and our own stories from around the time. Oh, and Kai got married, like the madman he is.

00:00:00 The First 7 Bans

00:10:50 Treasure Cruise

00:26:30 Dig Through Time

00:48:00 Sensei’s Diving Top 

01:07:00 Deathrite Shaman & Gitaxian Probe

01:24:00 Wrenn and Six

01:38:40 Underworld Breach



Thank you for tuning in,

Until next time!
