Everybody's National Parks

Everybody's National Parks

ENP 8.4 Grand Canyon: Learn About and Honor Native American Culture When You Visit

October 23, 2018

Discussion includes the following: 

· Native American tribes around the Grand Canyon (2:03)

· Visiting Native American Reservations and Etiquette (2:51)

· Tourist experience incorporating the Native American context to your visit to the Grand Canyon (4:33)

· Rock art (6:55)

· Native American interaction with Grand Canyon (9:52)

· How does National Park Service interact with Native Americans (12:38)

· Legends of origins (20:38)


Grand Canyon National Park: People https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/historyculture/people.htm

Nature, Culture and History at the Grand Canyon: Native Cultures http://www.grcahistory.org/history_nativecultures.html

Grand Canyon National Park: Desert View Watchtower https://www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/desert-view.htm

Desert View: Ranger Programs & Cultural Demonstrations https://www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/dv-programs.htm

Tusayan Ruin and Museum http://www.grcahistory.org/sites_southrim_tusayanruin.html

Nature, Culture and History at the Grand Canyon: Bright Angel Trail http://www.grcahistory.org/sites_rimtoriverandinnercanyon_brightangeltrail.html

ENP 3.5 Zion National Park: Archeology

