Everything's Totally Fine!

Latest Episodes
S02 Episode 14: Barry Manilow’s Birthday
A performer at one of Barry Manilow’s birthday parties, John Flynn, recounts two stories of plans going sideways.
S02 Episode 13: This is Not a Problem
A writer and comedian, Alison Wong, shares stories of situations in her life that started to look like real problems. She’s formerly one of the most entertaining waitresses you could find in all NYC and now writes for BuzzFeed and Maude Night at UCB i...
S02 Episode 12: Dismissed
Lamar Woods, a writer and performer from Atlanta, shares stories about anger and breaks down bullying dynamics within friendships. You can see Lamar as an animated character on Disney’s “Big City Greens,” watch his most recent film “It’s a Party“ on iT...
S02 Episode 11: Scratching an Itch
A writer reveals his past compulsions and explores the aftermath of succumbing to urges. This episode contains graphic language, includes descriptions of sexual behavior, and all of the names involved have been changed.
S02 Episode 10: Escape
Brenna Kouf, a sharp-witted television writer, tells the story of one of the worst dates imaginable, retraces mistakes made at an important charity event, and reflects about the benefits of getting sober.
S02 Episode 09: Toe the Line
A Moth StorySLAM winner and all-around hilarious storyteller, Buck Ball, shares a tale about growing up in the South and navigating pressures in a new relationship. More of Buck’s work can be found at buckball.org.
S02 Episode 08: Screaming and Running
A Moth GrandSLAM winner, Brandon Burkhart, shares two stories about panic in Los Angeles.
S02 Episode 07: Lies!
A writer, Danielle Sepulveres, shares stories about how she navigated challenging times during elementary, middle, and high school. Allie offers a shameful story of her own and the two discuss guilt, pride, and getting away with things.
S02 Episode 06: Just Deal With It
Kat Bawden, a bubbly and savvy international photographer, recounts the fallout of a time she did not (and a time she could not) communicate directly.
S02 Episode 05: Behind Closed Doors
A playwright, Robert Patrick, shares cringeworthystories of his time in theatre, including moments ofpassion, regret, andpersistence.