The ERPodcast

The ERPodcast

Digital Transformation Part One

August 10, 2020

escape covid in the cloud
Keeping the company alive while the pandemic rages.







Digital Transformation


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Life Sciences

Replacing QuickBooks

Proven Methodologies

Your Road to Success

The ERPodcast
by Gene Hammons | Episode 14


Digital Transformation - while once an aspirational IT goal, COVID 19 created an environment in many companies where Digital Transformation is survival itself


Digital Transformation Part One was recorded in June 2020.  What we were seeing was companies responding to the Covid 19 Lockdown – First, dealing with the disruption of a distributed workforce upon traditional business systems highlighted weaknesses in traditional systems previously considered ‘good enough’.  Secondly, market disruptions meant doing business with customers required a new approach – if companies were to remain viable in a post Covid world.

Obviously both factors did more to push digital responses and prompt moves to cloud-based software than any single event in the last decade.

While companies did not have the appetite for a new, huge IT budgets in response to Covid, it was apparent that for many companies, shifting whatever available resources was key to remaining viable – regardless of the form or size the company might emerge from the pandemic lockdown.


While Profit From ERP’s selection consulting and moving to cloud based ERP is part of Digital Transformation and included within, Get Digital Velocity specializes in C-level strategic consulting on a digital approach to transform companies along with f...