The ERPodcast

The ERPodcast

Digital Transformation Part 2 – Episode 15

June 12, 2020

escape covid in the cloud
Keeping the company alive while the pandemic rages.




Digital Transformation


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Life Sciences

Replacing QuickBooks

Proven Methodologies

Your Road to Success

The ERPodcast
by Gene Hammons | Episode 15 Pt. 2


Digital Transformation – while once an aspirational IT goal, COVID 19 created an environment in many companies where Digital Transformation is survival itself


Digital Transformation Part Two was recorded in June 2020.  By this time in the pandemic, we were starting to see quick moving companies react with digital speed and talked about some of the winners in early results.
 More important, we began to delve deeper into the digital mindset, trying to introduce the concept of thinking digitally and reconsidering the approach to serving customers.
 We also continued to marvel at how some companies would tell us they were ‘holding onto their cash’ and ‘waiting to see how this Covid thing turns out’ while others were reacting in real time to enhance business opportunities in the current setting, with plans to come out of the lockdown stronger than before.
As we now know, the lockdown conditions wouldn’t clear as soon as we initially thought – which means the digital speed companies are still enhancing the approach to customer service and our thoughts go out to those companies who were ‘holding onto their cash.’
 While Profit From ERP’s selection consulting and moving to cloud based ERP is part of Digital Transformation and included within, Get Digital Velocity specializes in C-level strategic consulting on a digital a...