The ERPodcast

The ERPodcast

Digital Transformation

June 05, 2020

ERPodcast Episode 14 (& 15?)

Bhushan Parikh

Get Digital Video



MFX Up and under


It’s the ERPodcast Version Mayhem.  For the past few weeks, we’ve been doing a couple of things. One, working with as many sources and collecting as much information as we can to help our clients survive the Coronavirus lockdown and thrive in the business environment to come. Two, we’ve been creating a digital transformation of our own – relaunching the Profit From ERP concept, offloading our past business model in exchange for a more concept that focuses on what we do best, emphasizing our strengths and partnering with others who can do a better job in areas that used to bog us down. There’s new podcasts, white papers, websites, digital tools, analytic developments, as well as broader partnerships and alliances - all digitally connected and delivered with one thing in mind – to better serve our clients – companies who are looking for the Best ERP  - and what is the Best ERP? It’s the one that best solves a client’s problems. The number one problem – uncertainty. Certainly, during the Coronavirus pandemic. If that weren’t challenge enough, Now we’re facing huge unrest in the country with urban protests and riots.

So what it boils down to is CHANGE is happening at lightning speed. Digital Transformation creates companies who can change rapidly and shift on a dime. And with all this change, can your business afford to remain static?  Big Question. A lot depends on it. We’ll talk about it today.

Another business trick I learned some years ago – go find the smartest guy in the room, stand next to him and shut up. People will walk away talking about those two brilliant guys they just met and my contribution to that impression consists mostly of smiling and nodding.  So today we’re bringing in a brilliant guy, Bhushan Parikh from a company called Get Digital Velocity.  Bhushan’s been at the VP/CIO – that’s Chief Information Officer level of some key companies in the past. He’s been working with leading teams of strategically excellent companies for years. His expertise stretches across generations of technology of all types – and his company, Get Digital Velocity helps mid-market companies like yours re-examine strategic and tactical approaches to digital transformation – he’ll be telling you all about it – I’ll mostly be smiling and nodding – on this week’s episode of the ERPodcast  - digital transformation -  one more way you can Profit From ERP – I’m Gene Hammons


Today’s Episode is being jointly sponsored by Get Digital Velocity and Profit From ERP. You may have heard me speaking about the Alliance of Excellence Software Coalition – a loose federation of business software providers who’ve proven themselves over the years as reliable and trusted advisors as well as talented implementors and service delivery teams.

Different companies have different business requirements and the consulting team that says they can do it all is pretty much where they came up with that saying ‘jack of all trades, master of none’.

When it comes to an ERP project, there’s different levels of activity. There’s the basic, what does this ERP do. But there’s also change management – strategic planning – marketing awareness – even as far as changing the company’s overall strategy.

Some people are asking for a simple direction, which ERP packages should we look at. Others need more – how do we make this system pay for itself – and yet some of our clients want senior level adviser, up to and including a fractional CIO – a senior technology executive to fill a top level role – and that’s where we partner with Get Digital Velocity.

Here’s the thing, whatever your company, whatever your requirements, we can build a team to help you thrive in tomorrow’...