The ERPodcast

Latest Episodes
Episode 32 – What’s the Best ERP
It's not another Top Ten ERP list, not a Top Five, not a shootout or comparison, but the Best ERP for Your Business.
Episode 31 – SuiteWorld 2023
E31 SuiteWorld 2023 Timestamp Subject 5:36 Sponsored by Acura MDX 15:45 Apple Never Introduced a Category Killer 20:15 NetSuite Keynote Coverage 22:43
ERPodcast Episode 29 The Perfect Time for ERP
ERPodcast Episode 29 The Perfect Time for ERP MFX/Intro Welcome to the ERPodcast Episode #29 The Perfect Time for ERP thats the title and theme of todays examination of just that - when should a
Episode 28 Certainty in an Uncertain World
It's Crazy Out There! We can't control the outside world, but as Uncertainty reigns externally, Business Equilibrium results when we create better data certainty within our businesses. See how other l
E27 What They DON’T Tell You About ERP
Digital Transformation What don't you know about ERP? Industry secrets, mis-aligned incentives and drivers of behavior all impact your final result - Today's ERPodcast let's you get a handle on some of the largest pitfalls threatening your project bef...
E26 – CEO/CFO Report 2021
Digital Transformation 2020 saw companies who's approach to digital transformation allowed them to quickly pivot - oftentimes capturing entire markets before the competition could respond. 2021 shows an increased demand for new market technologies - w...
E25 Nice Link Home Furnishings Part 2
Acumatica, The Cloud ERP Cloud ERP creates incredible opportunities for integration - with internal apps but more importantly with outside vendors and customers - Through EDI and digital connection, Nice Link was able to open sales channels with Wayf...
E24 Nice Link Home Furnishings – an Acumatica ERP Distribution Story
Acumatica, The Cloud ERP Cloud ERP creates incredible opportunities for integration - with internal apps but more importantly with outside vendors and customers - Through EDI and digital connection, Nice Link was able to open sales channels with Wayf...
E23 The Truth of ERP
The Truth of ERP Cutting through Conventional Wisdom isn't hard for experienced ERP Selection Consultants - using tried and true methods instead of what 'everybody knows' can save time, money, even t
E22 Net at Work Acumatica Practice – A Stuart Blumenthal Interview
Acumatica, The Cloud ERP One of the early made-for-cloud ERP offerings - Acumatica - has long been included in Profit From ERP client software evaluations. A favorite of consultants from it's initia