ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

Latest Episodes

“That They Might Come Again unto the Remnant of the House of Jacob”: Onomastic Allusions to Joseph in 3 Nephi 26:8–10 and 4 Nephi 1:49
March 17, 2023

Abstract: The prophecies in 3 Nephi 26:810 and 4 Nephi 1:49 are third-generation members of the same family of texts derived from Isaiah 11:1112 and Isaiah 29:4, all of which ultimately rely on ysa

In New Zealand: Even More Faithful Latter-day Saints
March 10, 2023

Review of Selwyn Ktene, ed., Let Their Light So Shine: Mormon Leaders in New Zealand (Wellington, NZ: Huia Publishers, 2021). Foreword by Charles A. Rudd (pp. viiviii); Preface by Peter Lineham

Nephi’s “Bountiful”: Contrasting Both Candidates
March 03, 2023

Readers should be aware that both Khor Kharfot and Wadi Sayq are now protected sites under Omani law. Neither area can be visited without a permit issued by the government of Oman. They are not access

Elias: Prophet of the Restoration
February 24, 2023

Abstract: The Prophet Elias is a puzzle, with a handful of pieces scattered through the standard works and the teachings of Joseph Smith. Rather than proving a point conclusively, this paper will put

Toward a Greater Appreciation of the Word Adieu in Jacob 7:27
February 17, 2023

Abstract: The phrase Brethren, adieu (Jacob7:27) has been criticized over the years as an obvious anachronism in the Book of Mormon. That criticism holds no validity whatsoever, as others have poin

“According to the Spirit of Revelation and Prophecy”: Alma2’s Prophetic Warning of Christ’s Coming to the Lehites (and Others)
February 10, 2023

Abstract: Some students of the Book of Mormon have felt that while the coming of the Lord to the Lehites was clearly revealed to and taught by Nephi1, those prophecies having to do with the subject ma

Twenty Years After “Paradigms Regained,” Part 2: Responding to Margaret Barker’s Critics and Why Her Work Should Matter to Latter-day Saints
February 03, 2023

Abstract: Here Iaddress specific criticisms of Margaret Barkers work. First, Iset the stage by discussing Thomas Kuhns The Structure of Scientific Revolutions as amap and compass for navigating t

Assyria and the “Great Church” of Nephi’s Vision
January 27, 2023

Abstract: The Book of Mormon begins at apivotal point in Israelite history and in the history of the ancient Near East more broadly. With the fall of Assyria and the power vacuum that grew out of Ass

Beautiful Patience
January 20, 2023

Abstract: Believers in the God of Abraham who include not only Jews and Christians but also Muslims are exhorted to call upon him every day, as well as in times of need. We are promised that he wi

An Important New Study of Freemasonry and the Latter-day Saints: What’s Good, What’s Questionable, and What’s Missing in Method Infinite
January 13, 2023

Review of Cheryl L.Bruno, Joe Steve Swick III, and Nicholas S.Literski, Method Infinite: Freemasonry and the Mormon Restoration (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2022). 544 pages. $44.95 (hardbac