ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

Latest Episodes

The Temple: A Multi-Faceted Center and Its Problems - Joshua Berman
October 02, 2015

One of the primary identities of the Temple is that it is the place of hashra’at ha-shekhinah, the site at which God’s presence is most manifest. It is no surprise then, that the Temple is the focal point of prayer. Yet,

Zarahemla Revisited: Neville’s Newest Novel - Matthew Roper
September 25, 2015

This article is the third in a series of three articles responding to the recent assertion by Jonathan Neville that Benjamin Winchester was the anonymous author of three unsigned editorials published in Nauvoo in 1842 in the Times and Seasons.

You More than Owe Me This Benefit: Onomastic Rhetoric in Philemon - Matthew L. Bowen
September 18, 2015

Wordplay and punning involving the names Philemon (Φιλήμων, “affectionate one”) and Onesimus (Ὀνήσιμος, “useful”) and their meanings, with concomitant paronomasia involving the name-title Χριστός (Christos) and various homonymic terms,

Toward Ever More Intelligent Discipleship - Daniel C. Peterson
September 11, 2015

The temporarily rather comfortable “fit” between the Restored Gospel and American civic religion is a thing of the past, and we contemporary Latter-day Saints seem to find ourselves in a more and more marginalized position, theologically and socially.

The Theory of Evolution is Compatible with Both Belief and Unbelief in a Supreme Being - David M. Belnap
September 04, 2015

The crux of the creation–evolution conflict is a futile desire to scientifically prove or disprove the existence of God. The conflict is manifest in the common belief that creation means a divine, supernatural process and that evolution denotes an athe...

A Treasure Trove of Questions - Steven T. Densley, Jr.
September 04, 2015

The New Testament Made Harder is a book that collects study questions that follow the Gospel Doctrine reading schedule. The book contains very little commentary and does not provide answers to the questions posed.

John Bernhisel’s Gift to a Prophet: Incidents of Travel in Central America and the Book of Mormon - Matthew Roper
August 28, 2015

The claim that God revealed the details of Book of Mormon geography is not new, but the recent argument that there was a conspiracy while the Prophet was still alive to oppose a revealed geography is a novel innovation.

The Treason of the Geographers: Mythical “Mesoamerican” Conspiracy and the Book of Mormon - Matthew Roper
August 21, 2015

The claim that God revealed the details of Book of Mormon geography is not new, but the recent argument that there was a conspiracy while the Prophet was still alive to oppose a revealed geography is a novel innovation.

Learning Nephi’s Language: Creating a Context for 1 Nephi 1:2 - Neal Rappleye
August 14, 2015

It was not long after the Book of Mormon was published before Nephi’s statement that he wrote using “the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians” (1 Nephi 1:2) started raising eyebrows. It has continued to perplex even the best LDS schol...

Not Leaving and Going On to Perfection - Matthew L. Bowen
August 07, 2015

A Review of Samuel M. Brown’s First Principles and Ordinances: The Fourth Article of Faith in Light of the Temple, Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute, 2014. 167 pp., index. - In his most recent book, First Principles and Ordinances: The Fourth Artic...