ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

Latest Episodes

Is the Book of Mormon a Pseudo-Archaic Text? - Stanford Carmack
March 16, 2018

Abstract: In recent years the Book of Mormon has been compared to pseudo-biblical texts like Gilbert J. Hunt’s The Late War (1816). Some have found strong linguistic correspondence and declared that there is an authorial relationship. However,

Two Notes on the Language Used in the Last Supper Accounts - Robert S. Boylan
March 09, 2018

Abstract: The institution of the Lord’s Supper is recounted explicitly in four New Testament texts (Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–25; Luke 22:19–20; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26). Common to all these texts is the phrase “this is my body,

“Swearing by Their Everlasting Maker”: Some Notes on Paanchi and Giddianhi - Matthew L. Bowen
March 02, 2018

Abstract: This brief article explores Paanchi and Giddianhi as names evidencing the Egyptian onomastic element –anchi/anhi/ʿnḫ(i) and the potential literary significance of these two names in the context of Mormon’s narrative detailing the formation of...

Unveiling Women’s Veils of Authority - Lynne Hilton Wilson
February 23, 2018

ABSTRACT: The Apostle Paul’s theological explanation for female veil wearing (1 Corinthians 11:2–13) highlights the woman’s head covering as an expression of female empowerment or “authority/exousia.” It appears that the Corinthian saints struggled wit...

Through a Glass Darkly: Examining Church Finances - Larry T. Wimmer
February 16, 2018

Abstract: The Mormon Hierarchy: Wealth & Corporate Power is Michael Quinn’s impressive response to a century of books and articles that have often distorted the finances of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“Possess the Land in Peace”: Zeniff’s Ironic Wordplay on Shilom - Matthew L. Bowen
February 09, 2018

Abstract: The toponym Shilom likely derives from the Semitic/Hebrew root š-l-m, whence also the similar-sounding word šālôm, “peace,” derives. The first mention of the toponym Shilom in Zeniff’s record — an older account than the surrounding material a...

Playing to an Audience: A Review of Revelatory Events - Kevin Christensen
February 02, 2018

Review of Ann Taves, Revelatory Events: Three Case Studies in the Emergence of New Spiritual Paths Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2016, 366 pages with notes and index $29.93 (paperback). Abstract: Ann Taves’s book offers a comparative look at t...

Changing Critics’ Criticisms of Book of Mormon Changes - Brian C. Hales
January 26, 2018

Abstract: In early 1830 Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon, a 269,938-word volume that discusses religious themes intermingled with a history of ancient American peoples.1 Claiming it was scripture like the Bible,

Celebrating the Work of John W. Welch - Steven T. Densley, Jr.
January 19, 2018

A review of Paul Y. Hoskisson & Daniel C. Peterson, eds., To Seek the Law of the Lord: Essays in Honor of John W. Welch, The Interpreter Foundation, 2017, 543 pages. $24.95 (paperback). Abstract: In this collection of articles gathered … Continue readi...

Not Just Sour Grapes: Jesus’s Interpretation of Isaiah’s Song of the Vineyard - John Gee
January 12, 2018

Abstract: In Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, he heavily references Isaiah’s Song of the Vineyard. An understanding of both the original Hebrew and the Greek translation in the Septuagint of this passage helps provide greater context and meaning into Jesus...