ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

Latest Episodes

The Case of the Missing Commentary - Brian C. Hales
July 20, 2018

Abstract:The first published commentary on Doctrine and Covenants Section 132 is a lengthy volume with much material that deals directly with the revelation as well as extended discussions that go well beyond Joseph Smith’s dictated text.

Race: Always Complicated, Never Simple - Tarik LaCour
July 13, 2018

Abstract: The concept that race has evolved rather than remaining static is not well understood, both outside and within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In Religion of a Different Color, W.

What is Mormon Transhumanism? And is it Mormon? - Gregory L. Smith
July 06, 2018

Abstract: Some sources have described Mormonism as the faith most friendly to the intellectual movement known as Transhumanism. This paper reviews an introductory paper by the past President of the Mormon Transhumanist Association.

Peace in the Holy Land - Shirley S. Ricks
June 29, 2018

Abstract: Living in the Holy Land as a Palestinian Latter-day Saint has created unique challenges and perspective for Sahar Qumsiyeh. In order to attend church meetings in Jerusalem from her home near Bethlehem,

Dehumanization and Peace - Kent P. Jackson
June 29, 2018

Abstract: Those who follow world events are painfully aware that peace in the Middle East — and particularly in the Holy Land — seems eternally elusive. From a distance we watch events unfold which we are not able to fully … Continue reading →

Joseph Smith’s Universe vs. Some Wonders of Chinese Science Fiction - Jeff Lindsay
June 22, 2018

Abstract: Chinese science fiction works recently have received increasing attention and acclaim, most notably Liu Cixin’s The Three Body Problem. Liu’s epic trilogy, available in Chinese and English, has received international honors and recognition fo...

The Gospel According to Mormon - Noel B. Reynolds
June 15, 2018

Abstract: Although scholarly investigation of the Book of Mormon has increased significantly over the last three decades, only a tiny portion of that effort has been focused on the theological or doctrinal content of this central volume of LDS scriptur...

Pushing through Life’s Pilgrimage Together - Mauro Properzi
June 08, 2018

Abstract: Walking for 500 miles in a foreign country through heat, arduous terrain, and many inconveniences is difficult enough. Add to the equation a man in a wheelchair, and the task appears impossible. The solution? Determination, humility, humor,

The Word Baptize in the Book of Mormon - John Hilton III
June 01, 2018

Abstract: The word baptize appears 119 times in the Book of Mormon; three speakers (Jesus Christ, Mormon, and Nephi) account for 87% of all of these usages. Each of these individuals have distinctive patterns in how they use the word … Continue reading →

Too Little or Too Much Like the Bible? A Novel Critique of the Book of Mormon Involving David and the Psalms - Jeff Lindsay
May 25, 2018

Abstract: A recent graduate thesis proposes an intriguing new means for discerning if the Book of Mormon is historic or not. By looking at Book of Mormon references to David and the Psalms, the author concludes that it cannot be … Continue reading →