ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

Latest Episodes

Translating the New Testament for Latter‑day Saints
January 25, 2019

Abstract: A new translation of the New Testament by Thomas A. Wayment, a professor of Classics at Brigham Young University, offers Latter-day Saints a fresh look at this volume of scripture. Accompanying the translation are study notes that touch on hi...

Barriers to Belief: Mental Distress and Disaffection from the Church
January 18, 2019

Abstract: People leave the Church for a variety of reasons. Of all the reasons why people leave, one that has attracted little or no attention is the influence of mental distress. People who experience anxiety or depression see things differently than ...

Light and Perspective: Essays from the Mormon Theology Seminar on 1 Nephi 1 and Jacob 7
January 11, 2019

Abstract: The Mormon Theology Seminar has produced two volumes of essays exploring 1 Nephi 1 on Lehi’s initial visions, and Jacob 7 on the encounter with Sherem. These essays provide valuable insights from a range of perspectives and raise questions fo...

“Come unto Me” as a Technical Gospel Term
January 04, 2019

Abstract: The Book of Mormon repeatedly outlines a six-part definition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but most writers within the book refer to only two or three of them at a time in a biblical rhetorical device called merismus.

The Interpreter Foundation and an Apostolic Charge
December 28, 2018

Abstract: In April 2006, Dallin H. Oaks, in unpublished remarks at the naming of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship (as the successor to FARMS), reminded listeners that “this institute belongs to God.” On November 10, 2018,

Christmas in Transition: From Figgy Pudding to the Bread of Life - Spencer J. Condie
December 21, 2018

Abstract: While Christmas traditions around the world have evolved, some losing their focus on the Christ child, there is still need for us to center our thoughts and hearts on his message of forgiveness and redeeming love.

Gossamer Thin: 2 Nephi’s “Flaxen Cord” and the Anti-Masonic Thesis - Gregory L. Smith
December 14, 2018

Abstract: Some have seen evidence of anti-Masonic rhetoric in the Book of Mormon and cite 2 Nephi 26:22 in support of this theory, since Satan leads sinners “by the neck with a flaxen cord.” It is claimed that this is a reference … Continue reading →

Let There Be a Famine in the Land - Jim Hawker
December 07, 2018

Abstract: The drought recorded in Helaman 11 is probably the only dated, climate-related event in the entire Book of Mormon that could have left a “signature” detectable over 2,000 years after it occurred. Typical methods to detect this kind of event …...

Orson Scott Card’s “Artifact or Artifice”: Where It Stands After Twenty-five Years - Jeff Lindsay
November 30, 2018

Abstract: When Orson Scott Card wrote “The Book of Mormon: Artifact or Artifice?” in 1993, he applied keen skills as an author of fiction to help readers understand how to detect the many hidden assumptions an author brings into a text.

The Geology of Moroni’s Stone Box: Examining the Setting and Resources of Palmyra - Benjamin R. Jordan
November 23, 2018

Abstract: The story of Joseph Smith retrieving gold plates from a stone box on a hillside in upstate New York and translating them into the foundational text of the Restoration is well known among Latter-day Saints.