ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

ePub feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

Latest Episodes

The Literary Structure of Alma 17–20: A 14-Unit Chiasm
January 12, 2024

Abstract: This article is an analysis of the literary structure of Alma 1720. These four chapters in the current Book of Mormon were originally a single chapter in the first edition of the Book of Mo

The Nahom Convergence Reexamined: The Eastward Trail, Burial of the Dead, and the Ancient Borders of Nihm
January 05, 2024

Abstract: For decades, several Latter-day Saint scholars have maintained that there is a convergence between the location of Nahom in the Book of Mormon and the Nihm region of Yemen. To establish whet

A Long and Winding Road
December 29, 2023

Abstract: Publishing an article in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Faith and Scholarship involves a process of which many people are not aware. Im sure it is obvious to all that articles dont j

Glory to God in the Highest
December 22, 2023

Abstract: What would it have been like to be among the shepherds who heard the angelic announcement of Jesuss birth? Their story has special meaning for many of us because we feel a kinship with thos

Pixelated Prophets: A History and Analysis of Book-of-Mormon-Themed Video Games
December 15, 2023

Abstract: Video games represent an innovative medium for entertainment and artistic expression with potential for fostering deeper engagement with religious texts such as the Book of Mormon. Over the

Marvelous Ripples through Time and Mind
December 08, 2023

Review of Richard Lyman Bushman, Joseph Smiths Gold Plates: A Cultural History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2023). 264 pages, $34.95 (hardback). Abstract: The gold plates were only a physicall

A New Look at the Miracles of the Resurrection and the Book of Mormon
December 08, 2023

Review of Joshua Gehly, Witnessing Miracles: Historical Evidence for the Resurrection and the Book of Mormon (Monongahela, PA: The Church of Jesus Christ, 2022). 172 pages. $14.95 (paperback). Abstrac

Nephi Wanted to Be a Prophet Like Moses, Not a King Like David
December 08, 2023

Abstract: While David is frequently held up as the standard for great kings in the Old Testament, examination of Nephis writings shows that he sought to imitate Moses the prophet rather than David th

Asymmetry in Chiasms, With a Note About Deuteronomy 8 and Alma 36
December 01, 2023

Abstract: Some students of the Book of Mormon have claimed that chapter 36 of the book of Alma is structured as a chiasm. Some of the proposals depart from perfect symmetry, presenting elements of the

An Analysis of Mormon’s Narrative Strategies Employed on the Zeniffite Narrative and Their Effect on Limhi
November 24, 2023

Abstract: The prophet Mormons editorial skill brings the narrative of the Zeniffites alive with a complex tumble of viewpoints, commentary, and timelines. Mormon seems to apply similar narrative stra