

Latest Episodes

Episodes #3: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and “The Body”
September 19, 2012

This time on Episodes! Jason is joined by NerdBastards own Nick Bungay and Paul Smith from the Gobbledygeek podcast to discuss the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "The Body", as well as a few other things (Jason & Paul's dueling views on rad soap

Episodes #2 — Doctor Who and the “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”
September 15, 2012

This week, on the second installment of Episodes! Jason is joined by 'Dinosaur Planet' musician, comic book nerd, Whovian, and real-life British person MJ Hibbett to discuss the 2nd episode of Doctor Who's 7th season, "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship", beca

Episodes #1 — Doctor Who and the ‘Asylum of the Daleks’
September 05, 2012

If the 'Bastardcast' just isn't enough Radiobastard goodness for you and your ears then boy do we have a treat for you. 'Bastardcast' co-host and NerdBastards writer person Jason Tabrys is launching another weekly podcast on the site that will focus EXC