
#19: The Twelve Days of EpicTurn
On our holiday episode we talk about gift ideas and things we'd recommend people to get for each other (or themselves). Of course it's probably too late to take much advantage of this, but it's a fun list anyway.
Here's a list of most of the items we dig through on our very own Twelve Days of EpicTurn.
- Quarriors Dice Building Game
- Kingsburg
- Cards Against Humanity
- Red Dragon Inn
- Resistance The 2nd Edition
- Cutthroat Caverns
- Miskatonic School for Girls
- Trains
- Warmachine Two Player Battle Box
- Dragon Shield Sleeves
- ArtBin 4-Compartment
- Go Game with Wood Board
- Arkham Horror
- Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery
- Mage the Awakening
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook
- Shadows of Esteren
- Shadowrun Fifth Edition
- Cosmic Patrol
- Eclipse
- Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition
- Legend of the Five Rings Learn to Play Set Honor and Treachery
- 7 Wonders
- Android Netrunner: The Card Game
- Spyrium
**Honorable Mentions:
- Sentinels of The Multiverse Enhanced Card Game (2nd Edition)
- Gravwell Escape from The 9th Dimension
- Mage Wars Game
- Takenoko
- Smash Up Game
- Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre
- AEG Love Letter
- Blood Bowl Team Manager
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