

Latest Episodes

s2Episode #2: A New GM
December 18, 2017

Season 2 continues as we continue to find our new routine.

s2Episode #1: A New Beginning
October 31, 2017

EpicTurn is back for a second season and starts off with a GenCon 2017 retrospective.

#26: It's Hard to Guarantee Universal Knowledge
May 04, 2014

EpicTurn discusses the importance of character backgrounds in roleplaying games.

#25: The Little Board Game That Could
April 27, 2014

EpicTurn interviews Corey Young, the designer behind Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension

#24: The Case of the Hiccups
April 23, 2014

We discuss digital games, social benefits of RPGs, and random topics.

#23: We're Running Out of Adjectives
April 13, 2014

We discuss season 2 of EpicTurn and box design for board games.

#22: We Don't Need Context
March 12, 2014

Joined by Jamey Stegmaier to talk about gaming and his new Kickstarter for Tuscany.

#21: I Was Playing a Mage Tom Hanks
January 21, 2014

We're back! This is the first episode in a periodic series called the College of Gaming.

#20: It Plays Just Like Mega Man™
January 07, 2014

In our first episode of 2014 we have a round table with several of the great guys from Jasco Games.

#19: The Twelve Days of EpicTurn
December 24, 2013

On our holiday episode we talk about gift ideas and things we'd recommend people to get for each other (or themselves). Of course it's probably too late to take much advantage of this, but it's a fun list anyway.
