
#13: I'm the Squeaky Chair
We again try something different, and this time maybe we shouldn't have, but we did it anyway.
We tried to sit down together and actually play a game of the DC Deck-builder from Cryptozoic as we reviewed it. The review went off well enough, but the sound quality was definitely subpar.
Timing Apology:
We are again needing to apologize about the tardiness of this episode. Life got the better of us for the last few weeks, and we didn't post, despite having episode 13 and 14 recorded. We're back to our normal schedule now though, and we're back with big plans over the next few weeks.
Audio Quality Note:
Due to the experimental nature of what we did in this episode, the sound quality was not up to our usual standards. Before we attempt any more episodes like this we will be revamping the setup to allow for better sound quality.
Review Notes:
On the box itself and its quality Tim gave it 3 Pows and Bryan gave it 4 Pows
On game mechanics Bryan decided it was worth either 3.5 or 4 BAMFS, while Tim thinks it's a solid 4 BAMFS.
Both Tim and Bryan gave it a complete 5 KERSPLATS for how completely accessible the game is.
Overall though, all things considered, Bryan gave the game 4 KaPOWS, and Tim believed it should receive 4.5 KaPOWS!
If you haven't had a chance to pick it up yet, you should definitely find a copy and go for a spin.
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