Epic Healing Transformation

003 Linda Wells: Tapping into Wealth and Ancestral Clearing
In this episode, Michelle and Linda discuss:
- How Linda got started with her career and with EFT.
- What ancestral clearing is and how it can help you in the present.
- What the matrix is and how it affects every individual.
- How your inner beliefs play on your skill-sets to limit or expand your abilities.
Key Takeaways:
- Problems in other areas of your life will show up in your financial life.
- You can tap into the matrix to change past experiences and grow and expand your mind.
- We all resonate with different healers, different practitioners, and different people at different times.
- Laughing is a great energy and can help accelerate your healing.
“Money is a symptom of whatever is going ‘wrong’ in your life – your relationships, your health, your spiritual life, your work – they call can reflect in your money." — Linda Wells
Connect with Linda Wells:
Website: LindaJWells.com
Email: Linda@LindaJWells.com
Free eBook: 5 Easy Ways to Magnetize Your Money Mojo
Email Linda for a discount on your own Ancestral Clearing Session!
Connect with Michelle Manning:
Website: EpicHealingTransformations.com
Email: Michelle@EpicHealingTransformations.com
Show Notes by Podcastologist/Show Producer: Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie
Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.