Entrepreneurship and Business Growth

Entrepreneurship and Business Growth

Latest Episodes

7 Steps for Small Businesses to Go Global (Audio)
June 20, 2018

Shai Vyakarnam outlines seven steps which should be considered by small businesses in their attempt to go global.

Reliance Industries: Change in a Family Owned Firm with David Oxley
April 12, 2018

David Oxley, DBA, talks to Shai Vyakarnam about his work in India with Reliance Industries

An Introduction to the Management and Entrepreneurship MSc
April 10, 2018

Dr Oksana Koryak, Course Director, introduces the Management and Entrepreneurship MSc at Cranfield

Enterprise Talks: An Entrepreneur's Journey with Nick Jenkins (audio file)
February 27, 2018

Nick Jenkins, Founder of Moonpig.com joined us for our final Wednesday Business Enterprise Talk of 2017.

Soft Skills is the Hard Stuff in Entrepreneurship
January 18, 2018

Shai Vyakarnam looks at the skills needed for successful entrepreneurship.

Camels, Tigers and Unicorns: Rethinking Science & Technology Enabled Innovation.mp4
November 14, 2017

Toby Thompson interviews Professor Shailendra Vyakarnam, Director of the Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship, about his book Tigers, Camels and Unicorns

Camels, Tigers and Unicorns: Rethinking Science & Technology Enabled Innovation.mp4
November 14, 2017

Toby Thompson interviews Professor Shailendra Vyakarnam, Director of the Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship, about his book Tigers, Camels and Unicorns

How Competition Strengthens Start-ups: Immunizing for Success
February 27, 2013

Accepted wisdom holds that the less competition a business faces, the more it thrives. But new research by Professor Andrew Burke and Dr Stephanie Hussels published in the Harvard Business Review shows that exposure to competition in the early stages of a

MDes Innovation and Creativity
July 06, 2011

Master of Design - Student view

Anatomy of the Intrapreneur
June 22, 2011

David Grayson and Heiko Spitzeck explore the ecology of social intrapreneurs.