Entrepreneur Perspectives

Entrepreneur Perspectives

Foundation | Balancing Summer Work, Estate Planning Questions, and LTC Insights

June 15, 2023
Foundation Series on the Entrepreneur Perspectives podcast

Engaging in your work while also enjoying the summer (the main topic!), exploring the intricacies of life insurance, and navigating through the current state of the Long Term market, are all something of a balancing act. We have to talk about it… this is a Foundation series episode of Entrepreneur Perspectives.

How do you manage summer fun calling your name from the office?

How do you maintain fun while away from the office?

How do you keep your cool when those you need to get things done all seem to be on vacation?

What does the future hold for estate planning?

Why does the process to acquire life insurance seem to take forever?

What’s the current state of the Long Term Care market?

Staying active in all aspects of life and business works. Just ask Mitch!

This podcast series on Entrepreneur Perspectives is called Foundation. We aim to support entrepreneurs — and we think the word foundation is applicable in our support of entrepreneurs in many ways: fundamentals, life insurance, protection, family, thesis, beliefs, support, help, mental health, and much more.

What does “Foundation” mean:

As defined by Google dictionary, foundation means: “an underlying basis or principle. -or- : the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level.”

Sit with that for a bit. In the meantime…

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Useful links from this balancing summer work episode:

Connect with us:

Mitch Long: LinkedIn

About Mitch: Mitch helps advisors, P&C agents, and banks with their life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care, and annuity production. SVP at KazSource Insurance.

Eric Kasimov: Twitter, LinkedIn

KazSource: Facebook, Twitter

Thank you so much for listening to this EP Podcast episode, “Foundation | Balancing Summer Work, Estate Planning Questions, and LTC Insights”.

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Music, “Here for the Win” provided by Songwriter Jess

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