Entrepreneur Perspectives

Entrepreneur Perspectives

EP093 | Enjoying the Process of Prospecting

August 14, 2019

“If you don’t get out, you’re not getting work done.” There’s a lot of negative that is associated with sales and prospecting.  Allow two experienced sales professionals that both own their business (one in marketing and insurance and the other in business coaching) help you understand what to think about when it comes to the prospecting process and sales in general.
If you need some truth about networking, prospecting, and activity in general, let this conversation be your guide as Eric get the opportunity to ask questions to James Pagano, a well-known and well-respected leader and business coach. 
The bottom line is if you are a business leader or sales professional with value to offer you need to find a new way to engage with more people in a genuine way.  
We hope you enjoy this chat about prospecting with both Eric Kasimov of KazSource and James Pagano of The Growth Coach. 
Want help growing your business with content marketing? Learn More.
Useful links from this episode:

* The Growth Coach
* The Growth Coach Charlotte
* KazSource
* SportsEpreneur
* KazCM
* KazIns

Other important links:

* How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
* Dale Carnegie
* Entrepreneur Perspectives episode 029, Perspectives on Sales Activity with Mitch Long
* Daniel Murphy

Connect with us:

* James Pagano: LinkedIn, Website
Eric Kasimov: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn

Wrap Up:

Thank you so much for listening to this podcast, “Enjoying the Prospecting Process” #EPPodcast
This podcast episode of Entrepreneur Perspectives exists because of KazCM. The content marketing brand inside KazSource, Inc. It’s all about amazing content marketing.
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