Enhancing The Human Experience with Mark Phillips

Enhancing The Human Experience with Mark Phillips

Is Guilt Holding You Back? | ETHX 131

October 14, 2019

While I may not know you or your specific goals and dreams, I can say that there's a high probability that guilt is keeping you from realizing them.

So in this episode I share some of my favorite ideas and perspectives to help you remove any guilt from your consciousness so you can make those goals and dreams a reality faster.

In this episode, you'll discover:

Why guilt and shame is probably holding you backMy favorite thought tools to help you let go of any guilt you may be holding on toA more empowering way to think of yourselfHow to look at your life from a broader, more enlightened perspective

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Men, Women, and Worthiness: The Experience of Shame and The Power of Being Enough, by Brene Brown. This is an excellent audio book that shines the light of awareness on guilt and shame in our world.

justbeitbook.com - You can download Being is Your Superpower! here. While you're there, download The Human Being's Manifesto too. Both documents are free.

Thanks for listening!

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All the best!


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