Enhancing The Human Experience with Mark Phillips

Enhancing The Human Experience with Mark Phillips

Nichiren Buddhism: Awaken Your Buddha Nature and Transform Your Life With Kelly Jean Badgley | ETHX 126

September 09, 2019

My guest this week is Kelly Jean Badgley.

Kelly is a professional multimedia storyteller and voice-over artist.

She's also a Nichiren Buddhism practitioner.

You may recognize the name because Kelly recently joined me for a video interview to talk about how voice-overs can help us content creators create more engaging and entertaining videos and podcasts.

In this episode Kelly shares the benefits of practicing Nichiren Buddhism, including some examples from her own life.

Nichiren Buddhism was developed by a 13th century Buddhist monk, Nichiren Daishonin, to help all people bring forth their inherent Buddha nature.

This practice is based on the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.

In this episode, you'll discover:

Kelly's personal experience with this practiceWhat Kelly means when she says that, "No matter what happens, I have to take action for the happiness of others."How Nichiren Buddism can help you transform your experiences in every area of your lifeThat everything you experience in life is a reflection of yourselfWhy it's okay to manifest material thingsWhy Herbie Hancock says, "It's a philosophy that I practice religiously." when explaining this practice to others

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Soka Gakkai International - USA

Buddhist Solutions for Life's Problems: The podcast Kelly mentioned in the interview.

Buddhism and Creativity: The Herbie Hancock talk Kelly referenced in the interview

Thanks for listening!

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All the best!


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