Enhancing The Human Experience with Mark Phillips

Enhancing The Human Experience with Mark Phillips

4 Things To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up – ETHE 039

December 04, 2017

Do you ever feel like giving up?  If you do, you're in good company.  I can't think of any successful person who didn't feel like giving up at some point in their lives.

In fact, most of them say they wanted to throw in the towel multiple times on their journey to success.

But they stuck with it.  They dug deeper each time they felt like giving up and eventually they realized their goal.

In an interview with Success Magazine, Sean Stephenson said he wanted to quit so many times as he was working toward his PhD.  But he didn't quit.  Eventually he realized his goal and he was glad he stuck with it.

Before Gal Gadot landed her break-out role as Wonder Woman, she said she was close to giving up on her acting career all together because of the rejections she received.

And, for years Tyler Perry's plays didn't attract an audience, but he never gave up on his dream of writing, producing and starring on stage.  Eventually he realized his dream, and today he's one of the most successful figures in Hollywood.

The list goes on and on.

Because it's so common to have thoughts of giving up on your dream, in this episode I share four of my favorite tools to use when that happens.

These exercises will re-ignite your fire and get you back in the game very quickly.
1 - Remember that it's all in your head
In the game of life it's you vs. you.  The only person standing between the life we have and the life we want is us.  Realizing this is a game changer.

With this in mind, if you give up and turn back now, you'll only find yourself if the exact same situation at some point down the road.  Only next time it'll be that much harder, because you've reinforced your behavior to give up.

Also remember, it's not really about what you're doing anyway.  What your doing is just the vehicle for becoming the best version of yourself.  It's really about what you're becoming in the process.  This is where the real pay-off is.

The only thing we can take with us when we leave this life is the work we've done to develop our souls.  This comes from winning the internal battles with face on a daily basis.
2 - Ensure you're on the right path
Make sure you're pursuing the right goal for you.  In other words, check in with yourself to ensure the goal you have chosen is what's truly in your heart, and not something that you're doing just because your neighbor, your brother, or friend is doing it.

If you've chosen a goal that isn't right for you, there will come a time when you won't have the staying power to keep going no matter what you do.

If you aren't getting something in return from what you're doing, in the form of meaning or satisfaction, there will come a day when you just won't have it in you to do it anymore.

All work is good for the soul.

But, if you have the opportunity to choose work that helps you grow in the ways you came here to grow, then do it.

Another check you can do is to ask yourself if the impetus for the adventure you're on came from your higher self, intuition, or gut feeling?

If so, you're probably on the right path.  Since realizing success in anything takes a lot of time and energy, make sure it's worth investing in.

Instead of asking yourself if you're worthy of your goal, ask if your goal is worthy of you.

Looking at your goal from this perspective can give you a lot of clarity, and help you choose something worth investing in.
3 - Review your why
Why do you want to achieve your goal?  You've got to have a compelling reason for embarking on the adventure in the first place.  If you don't have one, then you might not have the drive to forge on when the going gets tough.

The more compelling your why,