Enhancing The Human Experience with Mark Phillips

Enhancing The Human Experience with Mark Phillips

The Golden Key and How to Use it – ETHE 002

April 03, 2017

The Golden Key by Emmet Fox is one of the simplest and most effective tools for getting through challenging or difficult times.  In this episode, I read the entire essay to you (don't worry, it's short) and I share how I use this powerful tool.  Additionally, I share a few short passages from two other books by Emmet Fox.  By the end of the show you'll see why I'm such of fan of this great man.  Enjoy!
Show Notes

If you're currently facing a challenging situation, you can use The Golden to help get you through it
I also share two more short passages from Fox's books

One Sentence Summary:
To overcome any difficulty in life, use the Golden Key by Emmett Fox, which is; Stop thinking about the difficulty whatever it is and think about God instead.
Quote or Passage of the Week:
The only fundamental way to change things is to change your consciousness because you always must and always will get the conditions that belong to your consciousness.  You cannot cheat nature.  You can drag to you, through will power, certain things that do not belong to you, but you can only keep them for a short time.  The moment you take your hands off they fly away." ~ Emmet Fox, Life is Consciousness
Resources Mentioned:

Power Through Constructive Thinking by Emmet Fox
Life is Consciousness by Emmet Fox
The Sermon on The Mount: The Key to Success in Life by Emmet Fox
The Golden Key by Emmet Fox - Link to a video where I show you the cards I had printed with The Golden Key

Additional Resources:

Just Be It! - Improve your performance and your results in any area of your life quickly and easily!
The Alchemy of Despair - 17 of the most effective techniques I've encountered to help you reclaim your happiness!
The Magic of Being - Teach your child how to develop their self-image in a fun, entertaining way!

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