Diary for young STEM Pioneers – Engineering Pioneers

Diary for young STEM Pioneers – Engineering Pioneers

Engineering Pioneers Episode 4: Insights on Rwandas` Startup ecosystem and Awesomity with Yves Honore Co-Founder

June 28, 2020

This talk on how the startup Awesomity in Rwanda is equipping their future young programmers melted my heart! Pure Passion, Determination coupled with a country doing everything to ensure its youth are winning - Rwanda definitely takes a nomination as one model nation. Talking with Co-Founder Yves Honore ( Lead UX & UI Designer ) was honestly an honor - Loved hearing and sharing this story. In the full talk you will also learn of three things that will ensure you are on your way to success as a startup. Meet Awesome plus Creativity = Awesomity.

Meet Yves from Awesomity Start-up

What is #Rwanda known for ? The last week we had a sneak peak into how this country is developing into the model African Country when it comes to cultivating a good foundation for its young people to succeed in engaging in partaking in the economic landscape with high focus on Processes and policies that empower Technology companies to succeed — particularly startups formed by young people. Find out more later on regarding some insights on Rwanda and its young people.

Below 3 things that are making Rwanda a hub for tech startups by young people:

* Starting a company spares you bureaucracy. Check out how to start a business in rwanda here and here* A mindset shift for youth through programs like He He that equip students to learn and solve problems by being relevant — an African silicon Valley is being built right now in Rwanda.* Eco system conditions that support young people to be creative and positioned ( e.g when it comes to getting funding, paying taxes and their first choice as partners to do business with )- find out more on this from our podcast edition with Awesomity Co-Founder Yves.

By the way as Bonus : Rwanda — Kigali is one the most cleanest City ever on the African soil !!!

See more on Rwanda on this lovely blog post from Elizabeth.