Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

Daily Energy Standup Episode #104 - G7 leaders hagle over climate strategy, Coal is still king, and U.S. to help Poland with Nuclear

April 18, 2023

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

03:05 – Administration backs new gas spending in G7 with caveats.

06:39 – G7 Energy Environmental haggle over climate strategy

07:55 – U.S. ready to lend Poland 4 billion for a nuclear energy plant.

09:45 – Russia’s losing on the battlefield and energy markets while the U.S. LNG producers are winning.

12:16 – China seeks to expand sources of stable gas supplies

14:08 – Coal inventory Imports to Avert Crisis in Mahogany.

16:00 – Market Updates

17:15 – Outro

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