Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

Daily Energy Standup Episode #103 Nuclear power ending in Germany - Colorado looking to ban oil and gas by 2030 - Texas steps up to stablize the grid

April 17, 2023

Daily Standup Top Stories

Now Colorado Pushing To Ban Oil And Gas Permitting By 2030; Wyoming Lawmakers Call It Ignorant – I agree

April 15, 2023 Allen Santos

ENB Pub Note:   This is a perfect example of people fleeing California due to the high energy cost and then bringing their failed energy policies and voting practices with them to destroy states. […]

Germany ends nuclear energy era as last reactors power down

April 15, 2023 Allen Santos

Germany will switch off its last three nuclear reactors on Saturday, exiting atomic power even as it seeks to wean itself off fossil fuels and manage an energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. […]

The Biden Administration Is Once Again Tightening Rules On Vehicles Emissions

April 15, 2023 Allen Santos

It’s a case of Joe Biden versus the free market. Recall, just yesterday, we wrote about how, despite enormous subsidies, EV adoption in the United States was slowing. In other words, it turns out, not […]

Europe’s Energy Troubles Continue: Hydro And Nuclear Output Declining

April 16, 2023 Allen Santos

Authored by Irina Slav via, Europe’s hydro and nuclear output is declining, leading to mopre energy troubles. Renewables are struggling to fill the gap as wind and solar output increase. The EU may require […]

Texas Senate passes $10B plan to develop 10,000 MW of gas-fired ‘insurance’ capacity

April 13, 2023 Mariel Alumit

Dive Brief: The Texas Senate on Wednesday approved a package of energy reforms including a $10 billion “energy insurance program” that aims to shore up grid reliability through development of a fleet of new gas-fired […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 - Intro

03:15 - Now Colorado pushing to ban oil and gas permitting by 2030

08:33 - Europe's energy troubles continue hydro and nuclear output declining.

11:31 - Germany ends nuclear energy era as last reactors power down

13:03 - The Biden administration is once again tightening the rules on vehicle emissions.

16:23 - Texas Senate passes a $10 billion plan to develop 10,000 megawatts of gas fired insurance capacity

18:47 - California's last nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon, faces closure against a lawsuit.

20:56 - Market Updates

22:54 - Outro

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