Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

Daily Energy Standup Episode #27 - The $1.7 trillion Omnibus bill only has $16 million for the US grid. Path to renewable energy can't happen, physics does not lie.

December 23, 2022

We hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas! Michael and I would also like to take a moment to thank our listeners and fans for their wonderful support. The Growth of ENB is tremendous, and it is only because of the support we get from you. Let us know what you want to be covered!

The Omnibus bill is a big disappointment for today's show for US consumers. There is only $16 million for updates to the national electrical grid. Yes, out of $1.7 trillion, the grid has a minuscule update. Without a major overhaul to the grid, a renewable energy dream will only be a nightmare and failure. Just ask the Europeans.

We will be back to action on Tuesday!

Gas for coal? Debate rages on as electric companies invest.

How the $1.7T omnibus affects energy, from CCS to hydrogen

Tesla is now worth less than Exxon as stock plunges toward worst month, quarter and year in history

A Crisis Is Looming For The U.S. Energy Grid

$100 Oil To Return In 2023

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