Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

ENB #70 We have a great talk with Irina Slav, International Energy Thought Leader. We talk about the energy crisis, and humor cannot even ease the pain.

August 14, 2022

I am so grateful to be able to talk with Irina regularly. Her industry knowledge is refreshing and much needed in the energy community. This month's talk is no exception. We talk about the Energy Crisis, her writing style, and that it is so demanding of a conversation that even humor can make the discussions less depressing. It is one way that I am grateful for her writing style and industry leadership.

There is energy hypocrisy in the world. We need to promote all forms of energy to all world citizens, with the lowest kWh and the least impact on the environment. This electricity to their homes requires fossil fuels in emerging countries. Getting the power to the disproportionally impacted communities and nations. The United States got to prosperity by using low-cost fossil fuels. Should we deny Africa or any other country the same rights?

Please follow Irina on her Substack, LinkedIn, Twitter, other podcasts, and at