Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

ENB #50 We talk with Tucker about the importance of propane on the road to carbon neutral.

May 08, 2022

Tucker Perkins is the President and CEO of the Propane Education & Research Council, and he stopped by the ENB podcast. We had an absolute blast, and I learned a few things about propane and what part it can play in the path to carbon neutrality.

"Europe is responding to really a lack of energy independence. Right. I told you five years ago that Europe's reliance on Russian natural gas was going to be problematic at some point in time. There's no way to envision ultimately what happened. But here we sit in the United States, we are the world's largest producer of propane by far. We're also the world's largest consumer.

"But, you know, Central America, South America, most of Asia, certainly a large part of China, much of Europe come to rely on our propane as well. Yet what people don't realize when you really think about a full cycle, is what it takes to find it, transport it, use it, and dispose of what's leftover. Propane is one of the lowest. environmentally impacting energy source available." - Tucker

Thanks, Tucker, and look forward to visiting with you soon - Stu

Please follow Tucker on his LinkedIn and I encourage you to see what the Propane Education & Research Council has on its plate regarding energy.
