Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

Week Recap: From Peak Oil in China to Tesla Trends

August 31, 2024

In this episode of the Energy News Beat Daily Standup - Weekly Recap, the hosts, Michael Tanner and Stuart Turley discusses a range of topics including geopolitical risks affecting oil prices, China's potential peak in oil demand, and the ongoing global energy transition. Highlights include China's declining oil imports, the impact of electric vehicles and LNG on oil demand, and the U.S.'s role in global energy markets. The podcast also touches on the potential benefits of a Trump presidency for the climate compared to Kamala Harris, emphasizing natural gas exports and criticism of current U.S. energy policies. The episode wraps up with a humorous comparison of Tesla cars in different U.S. cities.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 - Intro

01:15 - Is China’s Demand for Oil Nearing Its Peak?

06:46 - State Rankings: Electric Vehicles per Capita in the United States

09:22- Oil Prices Soar as Geopolitical Risk Rises Rapidly

10:43 - Renewables Accounted for 14.6% of Global Energy Consumption in 2023

12:27 - Spot LNG shipping rates, European prices continue to drop

14:37 - Why Trump Would Be Better For The Climate Than Kamala

17:47 - Outro

Please see the links below or articles that we discuss in the podcast.

Is China’s Demand for Oil Nearing Its Peak?

State Rankings: Electric Vehicles per Capita in the United States

Oil Prices Soar as Geopolitical Risk Rises Rapidly

Renewables Accounted for 14.6% of Global Energy Consumption in 2023

Spot LNG shipping rates, European prices continue to drop

Why Trump Would Be Better For The Climate Than Kamala

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