Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

Week Recap: Fossil Fuels Resurge, Green Costs Rise, and PetroYuan's Reality

June 15, 2024

In this episode of the Energy News Beat Daily Standup - Weekly Recap, the hosts, Michael Tanner and Stuart Turley discuss significant energy developments, including New Zealand's reversal of its oil drilling ban due to energy shortages and rising electricity costs, the economic challenges of the Green New Deal, California's ongoing struggles with energy policies, and a new large-scale refinery project in Texas. They highlight the complexities and consequences of global energy transitions and emphasize the importance of balancing environmental goals with economic realities.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 - Intro

01:49 - New Zealand to lift oil drilling ban amid blackout fears in blow to Starmer

06:34 - The Price of Going Green Is High

10:36 - California’s Impossible War on Oil and Gas

12:50 - California set to crank gas power and emissions to keep cool

13:48 - The Myth of the Inevitable Rise of a Petroyuan

16:32 Houston energy company to build largest new refinery in half a century

17:56 - Outro

Please see the links below or articles that we discuss in the podcast.

New Zealand to lift oil drilling ban amid blackout fears in blow to Starmer

June 9, 2024 Stu Turley

New Zealand was on Saturday night expected to revoke a ban on drilling for oil and gas amid fears of blackouts, as Labour plans to impose a similar crackdown on the North Sea. The country’s coalition government […]

The Price of Going Green Is High

June 8, 2024 Stu Turley

1: People around the world are beginning to object to the increasingly expensive costs of the “energy transition” being pushed by their governments and some businesses. 2: A paper by the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) […]

California’s Impossible War on Oil and Gas

June 10, 2024 Mariel Alumit

Determined to save the world from climate change, California has nearly shut down its oil and gas industry, though the Golden State currently gets 50 percent of its total energy from oil and another 34 percent from […]

California set to crank gas power and emissions to keep cool

June 10, 2024 Mariel Alumit

LITTLETON, Colorado, June 6 (Reuters) – Scorching temperature forecasts for the western U.S. over the coming days look set to kick-start the high season

The Myth of the Inevitable Rise of a Petroyuan

June 11, 2024 Stu Turley

In diplomacy, what’s left unsaid often matters more than what’s said. After Chinese President Xi Jinping met the king of Saudi Arabia in December, both nations issued lengthy readouts extolling the burgeoning Saudi-Sino relationship in […]

Houston energy company to build largest new refinery in half a century

June 11, 2024 Mariel Alumit

A Houston company will construct the largest new refinery in the last 50 years in Brownsville, Texas. Element Fuel Holdings LLC is spending between $3 and $4 billion on the project, which will produce more than 160,000 […]

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