Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

ENB #207 Rethinking Green: The Unseen Impact of ESG on Energy and Finance

May 03, 2024

The world is in a financial crisis and it is intentionally been implemented. Today I sit down with Paul Tice and we talk about his new book: "The Race to Zero: How ESG Investing will Crater the Global Financial System" - Paul H. Tice

While getting ready for this interview, I poured through the book. He has done an outstanding job lining up ESG investing and defining "Sustainable" energy. It is really hard to wade through the fear-mongering of the mainstream media. Looking at financials and ESG investing hypocrisy is critical. Talking about the investing hypocrisy for years has been frustrating, and Paul has done a great job pulling the data and the receipts to back up his opinions.

With the Biden Administration to raise taxes, investments with tax benefits are critical, and I appreciate everyone's feedback and information. One can argue that just allowing tax cuts to sunset is in itself a tax increase and will impact the middle class.

Investors want their money, and the oil companies have done a better job with fiscal responsibility. The US oil companies are the best in the world at producing low-cost energy with the least impact on the environment. Energy will continue through the foreseeable future as being one of the key places the global investing market will turn to protect their portfolios.

Thank you, Paul, for your time on the podcast, and I highly recommend your book to anyone in the ESG, Investing, and energy markets. No, wait, let me expand on that; anyone who wants to protect their portfolio needs to read this. - Stu

Highlights of the Podcast

00:42 - Critique of ESG Investing

01:44 - ESG and the Energy Sector

03:09 - The Financial Industry's Silence on ESG Critique

05:26 - Defining Sustainable Energy

06:33 - The Financial Impact of ESG Investments

07:38 - European Energy and ESG Policies

09:46 - The Future of ESG and Energy Policies

11:02 - Global Energy, ESG, and Economic Implications

13:06 - Nuclear Energy and the Transition Challenges

14:28 - Conclusion and Future Outlook

Check out Paul's book here:



Full Transcripts: