Energy News Beat Podcast

Energy News Beat Podcast

ENB #170 Irina Slav, - How can one brilliant woman make energy hypocrisy, historic geopolitical disasters and impending doom funny?

December 29, 2023

I am absolutely having a blast interviewing global energy, political, and thought leaders on my podcast. But one of my favorite friends and thought leaders is Irina Slav. Her Substack ( is a mandatory subscription for any human person. And on her substack, she reads the article, and I can get my "Irina" fix for the day. Her humor is something that we need to make it through the horrific anti-human decisions being made by world leaders.

We will only elevate humanity from poverty through low-cost, abundant, sustainable energy. It seems that discussions from the "Greener" side do not want to happen, making open dialogue with facts, economics, and physics tough.

Please sit back and enjoy our conversation, and subscribe to her Substack. Thanks, Irina, for your time. - Stu

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 - Intro

01:09 - Discuss COP 28 and express skepticism about its outcomes.

04:09 - Directed at the large number of attendees and the lavishness of the COPW28 event.

05:51 - Delves into climate policies, including the push for electric vehicles (EVs) and challenges faced by the automotive industry.

10:19 - The limited adoption of electric vehicles in Bulgaria, mentioning occasional sightings of Tesla's, attributing the slow uptake to the country's robust secondhand car market and expressing nostalgic sentiments about classic cars.

13:42 - Insights are shared on Bulgaria's energy landscape, including the dominance of nuclear and coal, potential plans for a second nuclear power plant, and the presence of solar energy.

16:33 - The importance of self-sufficiency and potential backlash against carbon taxes.

17:40 - How's the grid stability in Bulgaria?

19:01 - What's coming around the corner for Bulgaria?

22:26 - Irina promotes her Substack, mentioning a special promotion for subscribers with a 20% discount until the end of January.

23:51 - Outro