Energy Clearing for Life Podcast

Energy Clearing for Life Podcast

Energy Clearing for Life Force "Abundance Vs. Poverty Consciousness" Podcast #124

July 24, 2019

Energy Clearing for Life Force "Abundance Vs. Poverty Consciousness" Podcast #124Join this lively conversation about choosing poverty consciousness and unraveling the ties and cords that keeps poverty alive. Choosing abundance is different. What changes for you to change? What gives for you to be in the expanded awareness of having-ness. It's all too delicious today on this show and you won't be disappointed if you tap into it. There is an Abraham-Hicks energy in this episode and it's a beyond.  SponsorsToday's episode is being sponsored by a new complimentary heart chakra clearing zoominar! You are invited! July 24, 11AM PST! Sign up here for zoom link! REGISTER NOW for FREE Heart Chakra Clearing Zoominar & Recording!Plus sign up now for Erica's Energy Clearing for Life Retreat. A two-day adventure of self-care, your energy and intuition will be pampered beyond belief!