The Energy Question

The Energy Question

The Energy Question Episode 39 Tom Pyle, American Energy Alliance

May 04, 2023

In Episode 39 of The Energy Question, David Blackmon interviews Tom Pyle, the President of the American Energy Alliance. Tom is one of the smartest advocates for real energy in the nation's capital, and brings an extensive knowledge of any and all related topics to the table.

In this episode, David and Tom discuss the state of federal public policy in DC, and all the damage to our energy future being done by the Biden administration. 

Run of Show:

01:00 Tom gives a download about the AEA and what it does.

02:30 EPA's new auto mileage standards and how they will raise costs for all Americans.

03:20 Tom explains why EVs are a luxury item for the wealthy on the coasts, and maybe in Austin.

04:15 The real agenda: Force Americans to buy stuff we can't afford and don't want, and ultimately, to force us to not drive cars at all.

08:30 How forcing EVs will force buyers even out of the used car market.

10:00 What kind of new load will recharging all these EVs put on the power grid?

14:00 How the Biden/Green New Deal policies impact the lower income earners the hardest.

17:00 Chinese control of supply chains for critical energy minerals.

18:30 How fossil fuels help to diversify the energy supply - imagine the carnage on the roads when 2/3rds of the cars during a hurricane evacuations are EVs.

22:10 How climate is being used as the rationale to implement socialist/progressive principles in the western world.

23:30 None of this is better for the environment - all energy sources have benefits and trade-offs.

26:20 It's all about control.

28:00 Biden gas stove ban. Yes, they are coming for your stove, folks.

30:50 People need to know they're coming for your car, too.

32:00 Why Jennifer Granholm and Stacy Abrams should voluntarily give up their gas stoves, and Joe Biden should sell his Corvette.

34:00 Energy impacts everything.


Link to the American Energy Alliance:

Link to the Institute for Energy Research:

Link to IER's Environmental Quality Index: https://www.instituteforenergyresearc...

Twitter: @AEA @IerEnergy @TomJPyle

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