The Energy Question

The Energy Question

The Energy Question Episode 36 - Anas Alhajii, PhD Economist, Advisor, Writer, Analyst

April 21, 2023

It's a fast-moving half-hour with one of the real experts on the subject.

Run of show:

00:00 - Intro

01:50 - Peak Oil Supply or Peak Oil Demand - Is either theory valid?

06:23 - Discussion about the Book Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy. Book by Matthew Simmons

12:18 - Kenya ditches the dollar and buys oil from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in their own currency, the Kenya shillings.

14:07 - CNOOC, a Chinese Company and French Company Total Energies signed a Deal in Yuan on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

15:27 - China and Brazil signed a deal to deal in national currencies

16:24 - Implications of strengthening the relationship between China and Saudi Arabia

18:04 - Anas explains why the U.S. Dollar is still King in international trade and the Petrodollar will continue to be the reserve currency for energy trades

25:42 - Discussion about the Saudi and United States Relationship and its possible impact on the Petrodollar

31:21 - Exit


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