The Energy Question

The Energy Question

The Energy Question Episode 59 Stanley Ridgley, Author of the Best Seller, "Brutal Minds"

August 10, 2023

The Energy Question Episode 59 Stanley Ridgley, Author of the Best Seller, "Brutal Minds"

In Episode 59 of The Energy Question, David Blackmon interviews Dr. Stanley Ridgley about his best-selling book, "Brutal Minds." "Brutal Minds" is a devastating critique of leftwing brainwashing of students taking place on our university campuses today.

The book describes how an entire class of unqualified non-faculty administrators running Student Affairs departments on most college campuses in the U.S. implement have been using Maoist brainwashing techniques to indoctrinate unsuspecting students with Critical Race Theory propaganda in this century.

This reality was the motivating reason why Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered all state universities to eliminate DEI departments and programs recently, but Dr. Ridgley explains that that move will not resolve the issue unless further steps are taken to root out the ideologues who push this agenda through Student Affairs departments.

This is one of the most frightening books I've read in recent years. It is an important read for anyone who has children or grandchildren who will be entering college in the coming years.

Dr. Ridgley's bio:

Brutal Minds website:



Thank you to USOGA for Sponsoring the Energy Question!


Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 - Intro

02:24 - Knowing Dr. Stanley Ridgeley and his background

03:09 - Talk about the reasons why you felt really obligated to write this book based on real experiences you've had on campus firsthand observations

07:05 - Most, if not all, Universities run through what we call the Student Affairs Department, correct?

08:49 - Talks about the Maoist Playbook

12:45 - Talks about Paolo Frier a Brazillian Educator

15:10 - Talks about the Critical Race Theory

17:01 - Transformative Multicultural Initiatives

19:14 - Governor and our Legislature to force publicly funded universities to eliminate their DEI Departments But that's not really addressing this problem, is it? That's kind of a tangential thing, isn't it?

21:15 - Talks about a Canadian guy name William Kurtz who committed suicide after being subjected to a required seminar

24:53 - How do we explain the fact that the Administration at these Universities does put up with it? Does sanction it apparently, and allow it to exist on their campuses, knowing they have to be aware of what is happening in these student affairs departments, And why don't they do anything to root it out and get rid of it?

30:05 - Talks about the two Primary Organizations ACPA and NASPA

32:18 - What do you tell parents about how to protect their own kids from this, you know, falling prey to this kind of Maoist indoctrination on the campus they're about to attend?

42:43 - Outro

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