Endurance Hour

Endurance Hour

#152, Endurance Hour

January 22, 2016

This week we welcome three guests to share their advice, expertise and knowledge about all things endurance sports, training and recovery plus the 5 foods to avoid if you want a six pack!  Wendy Mader from http://T2Coaching.com discusses S.M.A.R.T. training plans,  Coach Greg Gallagher from http://SpeedTheoryMultisport.com talks about "when" to hire a triathlon coach and Trista Francis from http://itzmultisport.com talks "how" to choose a triathlon coach.

If you or someone you know would like to be a guest on the program, please email us at EnduranceHour@gmail.com.
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Please subscribe to our Endurance Sports & Fitness Youtube Channel for endurance related interviews, race coverage, product reviews and exercise videos. Video Sponsorships, Partnerships, Collaborations and/or Endorsements, contact:dave@daveericksonmedia.com

Become an Endurance Hour show sponsor! (Rates through 2016)

Weekly Program sponsorship includes show intro & closing tags.
Maximum of two, category exclusive, program sponsors.
Per Show: $50 (minimum three months)

Run your :15 ad in the weekly show
Three spot limit per show each week.
Per Show: $15 (minimum three months)

This is a Dave Erickson Media Production. Please contact Dave at dave@daveericksonmedia.com if you'd like to hire Dave to help host, co-host, or produce a weekly podcast for you or your business.