Endurance Hour

Endurance Hour

#164, Endurance Hour

May 13, 2016

This week we welcome 5x Ironman finisher, Author, Speaker and friend of the podcast, Bo Parrish.  Bo is also a survivor of a near-death experience. In the spring of 2006, Bo nearly lost my life to a 15 year battle with Crohn’s Disease. His body had shut down due to a ruptured colon and a miraculous surgery allowed Bo to survive. In the last 10 years, he has transformed his physical body and now compete as an elite amateur triathlete. In addition to his 5 Ironman finishes, Bo has competed in the Ironman 70.3 World Championships 3 times and the U.S.A.T National Championships 5 times.
Be sure to check out EnduranceHour.com, "How To Swim Faster in 30 Days" with  Ironman Certified Coach and 8x Kona finisher, Wendy Mader.  You can find that under the Training Plans tab.  Also released, "16 Weeks to Ironman 70.3 Program" for beginner to intermediate triathletes.  That too is under the Training Plans tab.  Coming soon, "Road to Ironman 70.3" for intermediate to advanced triathletes with Roger Thompson.  Thank you for listening!  Dave & Roger!

Video Sponsorships, Partnerships, Collaborations and/or Endorsements, contact: dave@daveericksonmedia.com

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Per Show: $15 (minimum three months)

This is a Dave Erickson Media Production. Please contact Dave at dave@daveericksonmedia.com if you'd like to hire Dave to help host, co-host, or produce a weekly podcast for you or your business.