Endurance Hour

Endurance Hour

#156, Endurance Hour

March 21, 2016

This week we welcome two age group triathletes.  Caitlin Glenn and Derk De Korver.  Both are rookie members of the Timex Multisport Team.  Caitlin is a competitive triathlon from Ohio and Derk is a recent Kona qualifier.  Also revealed on the show, two brand new multimedia training courses.  We just released a "How To Swim Faster in 30 Days" training plan hosted by Ironman University Certified Coach and 8x Kona finisher, Wendy Mader.  You can find that on EnduraneHour.com.  We also discussed our "16 Weeks to Ironman 70.3 Program" for beginner to intermediate triathletes.  That too is on our website.  We also hinted to our upcoming training course for intermediate to advanced triathletes training for a half.   Thank you for listening!  Dave & Roger

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This is a Dave Erickson Media Production. Please contact Dave at dave@daveericksonmedia.com if you'd like to hire Dave to help host, co-host, or produce a weekly podcast for you or your business.