Encouraging Voice Podcast

Encouraging Voice Podcast

Unexpected way Holy Spirit speaks

May 26, 2021

Have you ever looked back at your day and considered how maybe the Holy Spirit was speaking to you in an unexpected way? A way you could have easily overlooked had you not stopped to pay attention to the details in your day?

Open our hearts

The more we open our hearts to expect the unexpected, the more likely we are to experience more of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Ponder the lesson

Sometimes I think it’s okay to ponder the lesson or the takeaway from the day’s events.

(Hear one such example in the podcast above).

An illustration

And sometimes I think the Holy Spirit uses an illustration in our lives to show us something if we pause to ponder and consider a connection between what we’ve experienced and what comes to mind.

Experience different gifts

Much like perusing a passage of Scripture, we can experience different gifts from what we read at different times depending on how the Holy Spirit speaks to us through it, the circumstances we find ourselves in, our heart posture, or level of expectation and anticipation as we approach it.

I pray you will consider the possible ways God may use events in your day to speak into your life.

Recent episodes of the Encouraging Voice Podcast:

A noteworthy blessing found in a detour

Prompted to send a note at just the right moment