Encouraging Voice Podcast

Prompted to send a note at just the right moment
Our words can be a lifeline to someone when we listen for the prompt to send a note at just the right moment. Find a simple way to reach out.
(Listen to the full episode from the podcast player)
Could you use a few kind words? Do you smile when you see a handwritten card arrive in the mail? Especially one from a dear friend or relative? Have you ever been pleasantly surprised to receive a note if for no other reason than because someone thought of you?
Send a word of encouragement
Reaching out to send a word of encouragement may be something we do simply because the other person came to mind.
Nudge in your heart
Next time you receive a card, or think to send a card, would you consider maybe it was the Holy Spirit who put that nudge in your heart - or their heart if you were the one who received it?
Reach out
Who knows? A card you send today may be a lifeline to someone. Who will you reach out to today?
Whose heart will you impact today?
Your stories
I’d love to hear your stories of receiving a card at just the right moment, or of sensing the nudge to send one. Your story may prompt someone else to reach out.
Recent episode:
A simple way to encourage someone